1800 270 846

57 Park Street, Park Avenue QLD 4701


Castle Evolution is taking the building industry one step further, now having the capabilities to take our manufacturing factory direct to your worksite for large scale and remote projects. This takes the control of the production and fabrication straight to the front line of your project.

In the past, variations could hold projects up for days and sometimes weeks after engineering changes waiting for materials to be supplied. With our mobile factory, in most cases engineering changes can be made within hours and manufactured the same day, meaning there is no wait time on delivery of wall frames and roof trusses.

Using our cold-formed steel framing will cut down labour time and costs by two thirds which is a huge benefit in the market at the moment due to the current labour and skills shortage. The components are prepped for mechanical, electrical and plumbing, saving time and money on the project.

The Castle Evolution Mobile Factory has been designed to enable quick start production on any site. Its onsite, compact nature means reduced transport costs and overall lead times, as well as lower carbon emissions for larger projects.

Using CAD software, we have been able to design the ‘Type 3 Townhouse’ (pictured below), which shows how the framework will look (subject to final plans and engineering). This CAD software is accurate to within 0.2mm, which means you can be rest assured your framework will fit like a glove.

Once the final sign-off and engineering has been completed, the files are transmitted to the cold-formed structural steel assembly factory located on the project site where rolls of coiled BlueScope TRUECORE® steel are transformed into each individual component needed for your build.

Our Mobile Factory delivers on-site 100% engineered and customised steel framing in a mobile factory that transforms architectural inspiration into reality faster and more cost effective then ever before.